50 years!
The creation of Ökj started in 1974.
This year, 2024, Ökj celebrates 50 years!
The track is still expanding and the trains are rolling!
Days of operation per year
This graph shows the number of days per year that the trains at ÖkJ runs. Most common are work trains, second most common is passenger trains followed by timber trains and other freight trains.
New webpage!
The new layout is finaly ready for release!
A storm called 'Per' hit ÖkJ
The storm 'Per' hit ÖkJ on January 14. Approximately 70 trees fell down, 10 of them on top of the track. Clearing has already started and on February 3-4 a total of 6 loaded trains transported logs to the off-loadind by the road.
A scidder is used to pull the logs to a suitable loading place along the track. This weekend we chose trees that were within a 100 meters from the nearest track.
The logs are hoisted directly from the scidder to the timber wagon by the means of one of ÖkJ's portable cranes. Logs are between 3,7 and 5,7 meters long. The timber wagon used is 6,0 meters long.
The loading site is situated on top of ÖkJ's longest and steepest incline which in combination with the lack of brakes on the wagons makes it impossible to bring down more than one loaded wagon at a time. The distance to the off loading site is 1 km. This winterday the temperature was +5 degrees, hardly any snow but some ice that had to be cut away from the track.
The unloading is done from a site where the track runs on a slope above the road so that the logs can simply roll off the wagon and down to the road. No crane is needed here. The timber is sold and will be collected within a few days.
The overhaul of the monorail locomotive
The overhaul of the monorail locomotive is slowly nearing completion. The un-powered bogie has been taken apart completely. The parts have been cleaned and painted. All moving parts have been greased before assembly.

First test run of the Rail Transporter
The first testrun of the Monorail Transporter was made today. The J.A.P engine is, at least temporarily, replaced by a Wisconsin engine from a former cross-tie drilling machine. As expected, the pulling force from the single drive wheel is low. Perhaps it will improve once all gears and mechanisms are checked and greased.
Klicka på bilderna för att se videoklipp från dagens provkörning / Click on the pictures below to view video clips from the test runs today
The Monorail Power Wagon
All of the monorail equipment has now been moved from Nykyrka to ÖkJ. The skip has been re-mounted onto the power wagon and next a new engine will be installed until the original engine is repaired.
The Monorail
Most of the equipment from Nykyrka has now been transported to ÖkJ. Today the locomotive was loaded onto my trailer. A bogie has been designed to facilitate the transport of tracks. The picture shows clearly how it is used.
The Monorail
Örkaggen Railway has aquired a unique monorail railway. It has since many years been standing in the garden of a summerhouse outside Motala. It will now be disassembled and moved to Örkaggen Railway beginning in a few days. The line consists of one petrol engined locomotive with a skip on its back and approximately 80 meters of monorail. Manufacturer is made by Road Machiines (Drayton) Ltd, UK. The locomotive is not operational and will require a substantial renovation.
Timber trains on ÖkJ 2005
The clearing of the track at ÖkJ is ongoing. Lots of timber is being sawed to planks and blocks by means of a Solo-saw from the company Logosol. The small one-man sawmill is placed along the track and a portal crane spanning two tracks and the saw mill is used to off load logs from timber trucks, loading planks and blocks onto a flat wagon. Waste wood is placet on yet another wagon and is later cut for fire wood to be used next winter. The operation creates a lot of saw dust which is loaded into skips and transported away.
Two pairs of timber trucks and a flat wagon is hooked up to the Simplex (ÖkJ 4).
Two loaded timber trucks are shifted in under the crane. The saw, a Solo-saw, can be seen to the right of the flat wagon with freshly sawed planks. In the back is a skip for saw dust transport.
A view from the other direction. To the left is the Solo-saw.
The storm of January 2005
few pictures give an impression of the situation as well as the the work that has started to clear the line.
In some places the track is blocked by single trees. This spruce is already cleared
Here the track is invisible ! At least 50 big spruces lias across the track. A harvester will be used as it's to dangerous to clear this manually.
Clearing work in progress.
Loading is done by simple means
ÖkJ has its own saw mill, a Solosåg made by Logosol. The logs are unloaded and will be processed when spring comes.
New tracks at the saw mill
Two new switches has been laid out at ÖkJ's saw mill. One is in the main line, the other will give one spur to be used at the saw mill for unloading logs and loading of planks. The other will be the beginning of a track that in the future might be a couple of hundred meters long. Both switches are from Sandhagsmossen and are built from 7 kg rails.
The engine from ÖkJ 1 to DUJ
An earlier engine from ÖkJ1, an ex Opel Kadett, has been given to Oscar Nygren, owner of Djurmo-Utby railway in Dalarna. Oscar is studying to be a vehicle mechanic at a high school. He will bring the engine to his school were he will receive professional help. Oscar and his father Bengt can be seen in the picture.
ÖkJ rebuilds switch for Ryttaren
November 2003
The former peat processing factory, nowadays peat processing museum '
Ryttaren' runs a 600 mm railway at their facility outside Falköping. They use stub switches and asked me if I would be willing to rebuild a point switch for them. The rebuild was done in November and in early December they picked it up. The switch is now installed in the main line at Ryttaren
No 5 with passenger train
Loco 5 with passenger carriages 12 and 13 at Örkaggsnas in Tiveden, Sweden (June 2003)
Dismantling of the Sandhagsmossen peat railway
Juli - augusti 2003
Hasselfors Garden, the owner of Sandhagsmossen in Närke, Sweden, has decided to abandon the railway operation on the peat moss. The moss has seen hardly no traffic since 1996. Two active peat producers with railway operation, one peat museum (Ryttaren) and three hobby railroaders announced interest to take up rail. Several kilometers of track was taken up, transported to the peat factory and laid up in neat stacks. Below are a few pictures showing how ÖkJ took up 500 meters of track and transported it home.
Despite that a locomotive was available I decided to use my own equipment for the operation. ÖkJ 1, two pairs of timber trucks and one flat car was brought to the moss.
Hardly any trains has run over the line for several years. On the first part up from the peat factory the track was not visible because of all the foliage.
The spur that was allocated to ÖkJ was laid out in the middle of the 1990´s but never saw any traffic. Since then the track has sunk down into the moss and a crane had to be used to lift it up again.
With the track lifted the joints were taken away. Stainless screws and nuts were used. 4-6 sections were made loose, loaded on a wagon and the train moved forward.
We loaded 10 sections, 50 meters of track on each wagon. The rails were welded to 5 meter long frames. The rail weight was 7 and 8 kg/m, each frame weighted about 100 kg. Our spur was at the far end of the moss 2,5 km away. It took 45 minutes to drive home with a loaded train.
This train is loaded with 200 meters of track weghing 4 tons. It took us four long days to lift and bring home 500 meters of track. Today most of the main line is gone, a few grown-over spurs remain.
A couple of weeks later I hired a timber lorry to transport the rails home to ÖkJ. The lorry was full, 10 tons and maximum height !
The lorry is approaching Örkaggsnäs. Half an hour later the rails were unloaded and put in neat stacks beside the road. All what remains now is to build 500 meters of new railway. It will keep me busy for some time !
ÖkJ running peat trains at Sandhagsmossen
Last Sunday in June members of the 'Ryttarens peatworks museum' headed for Sandhagsmossen in Närke to salvage dried peat before the rail system on the moss would be torn up commencing the following day. ÖkJ was invited, so loco 5 was transported to the moss. The AGEVE-loco from Sandhagsmossen and ÖkJ 5 pulled peat wagons on the 2 km line from the peat drying sheds on the moss to the plant. Loco 5 made 15 km in total !
ÖkJ 5 with two loaded wagons
here to see the peat wagons being loaded. (320x240 pixels, 15
View from the loaded train. Magnus from Aska Vedbana is engineer
Click here to see ÖkJ 5 with loaded wagons (320x240, pixels, 15 sec)
New hood for loco 5
ÖkJ loco 5 is now back on the line again after having spent some time in Motala waiting for a new superstructure to be built.

ÖkJ loco 6 to Aska vedbana
Loco 6, on loan to ÖkJ from the industrial railway museeum at Frövi, has now been transferred to Aska Vedbana. Owner Magnus and assistant Robert picked up the loco today. Some engine work (Bergbolagen) remains to be done before the loco is functional again.
More skip wagons to ÖkJ
At a second visit to Bolmen another bunch of skip wagons were collected, more accurately four frames and three troughs. The wagons are in need of repair before they can be used at OkJ.
Just as last time, inscriptions "SAK" were found on most wagons. See below for an explanation.
This is what one of the roller bearings looked like. Beyond all rescue !
ÖkJ gives peat wagon to Aska Vedbana
Wagon 41, a peat wagon that came to OkJ from a peat moss outside Motala, has been given to Aska Vedbana outside Vadstena. The wagon was too wide for OkJ and has never been used there. At AVB it will be used to transport fire wood.
Skip wagons to ÖkJ
New skip wagons for Örkaggen Railway and Aska Vedbana
Click the picture to view more picture from the salvage expedition
New Years Train 2001
This year, like every year, a train departs Örkaggnäs depot at 23:40 on New Years Eve. The destination is Udden, a small peninsula in lake Örkaggen. Some years we have to clear the track for snow a length of 500 meters, but not this year. The surprise this year was the temperature, -22 degrees centigrade. Both driver and passengers were chilled down before the goal was reached. When there, we could warm up by an open fire and welcome the new year with a glass of champagne.
Warning signal

The warning signal was placed at a road crossing near Sandlyckan on the since long abandoned railway between Göteborg and Särö. Now it can be found on Örkaggen Railway where it stands by a path crossing the line close to Örkaggsnäs Depot.
Disc signal from Bangladesh

This disc signal is manufactured by "Nederlandse Maschienenfabriek" in Alkmaar in the Netherlands. I received it as a gift around 1990. It was originally delivered to Bangladesh but was for unknown reasons returned to Alkmaar where it was refurbished before I got it. It is not used at the Örkaggen Railway, but copies made by me are.
The Scale

The scale is manufactured by the "Waagen & Maschienen Fabriek Albert Aeffecke" in Stettin in 1910. I found it stowed away in a shed at the abandoned peat factory in Tranberga outside Motala. The scale is fitted with rails so it is preferably placed in a spur to which the wagon to be weighed is marshalled. It functions in the same manner as a bathroom scale of older model. First you adjust the big balance weight in steps of 50 kg, then you fine adjust to balance with the smaller weight. The scale is suited for weights of up to 1250 kg. To calculate the weight of the load one must of course weigh both the loaded wagon and the empty wagon. The difference is the weight of the load.
Wheels and bearings
This roller bearing is manufactured by the wellknown railway equipment manufacturer Orenstein & Koppel of Berlin, Germany.
Another bearing from the same manufacturer
Double flanged wheels were never common but were used in some places. They have the advantage that they rarely derail even if the track is of poor quality.